LP Ownership represented by NFTs
Swap v3 represents liquidity positions using an NFT, in order to store all of the liquidity position data. This NFT is deposited in your wallet when you add v3 liquidity.
The full data that is stored in this NFT is:
Nonce (used for tracking permit nonces)
The operator (normally a 0 address, unless you have given permission to another to manage the liquidity)
Token0 address (address of the first token in the pool)
Token1 address (address of the second token in the pool)
The pools fee tier (the chosen fee tier of your pool)
The Lower Tick (the low price boundary of the position)
The Upper Tick (the upper price boundary of the position)
Your liquidity value (the value of the liquidity in the position)
feeGrowthInside0LastX128 (used for Fee tracking on token0)
feeGrowthInside1LastX128 (used for Fee tracking on token1)
tokensOwed0 (only used as a temporary value)
tokensOwed1 (only used as a temporary value)
Last updated